Management Profiles
It's rare when a company's senior leadership has over 160 years of collective experience and wisdom in its chosen field.
Even more unusual is when over 115 of those years have been spent working together as a team for their customers.

Kenneth P. DeVars, President
Ken has spent his entire career employed in the office systems & wall business and has over 37 years of experience in the demountable wall industry. He knows this business from the ground up having started as a field based installer and then progressing upward through various levels that brought him to where he is today. He has held positions with Steelcase Office Systems/Interior Design Services, Interior Space Management, and Wall Innovators in Tampa where he served as Sales Vice President from 1983 to April of 2008 when he left to start E2Walls. Mr. DeVars is responsible for new business development in the Tampa Bay and South Florida markets as well as customer support services in those markets. He is a member of the Suncoast chapter of IFMA. Ken is a devoted golfer and is a passionate smoked barb-b-q grill master. He is a past regional champion of the Kansas City Barbecue Society as a member of SIR PIGSCELOT & THE KNIGHTS OF THE HOLY GRILL. He and Debbie have been married for 33 years with one daughter and one granddaughter.
John T. Coyle, Jr., Vice President of Sales
John has over 34 years of experience in the demountable wall industry with a focus on sales & project management. He began his career in sales at Interior Space Management in Jacksonville, FL. He then accepted a position as Midwest Divisional Sales Manager for the Vaughan Walls organization in Indiana. Vaughn Walls is widely credited with creating the demountable wall partition product, and John learned the business from the ground up. Mr. Coyle returned to Interior Space Management, now an authorized Vaughn Walls dealer, and worked as a project manager in the Tampa, Fl area. In 1985 he joined Wall Innovators in Tampa as a Vice President and remained with the company in sales for twenty four years before leaving to start E2Walls in April of 2008. John is responsible for new business development in the North, Central, & Panhandle markets of Florida as well as select markets in the Southeastern USA. He is a member of the Suncoast chapter of IFMA. His outside interests include golf and tender loving care of two classic cars; a 1963 Thunderbird Convertible and a 1965 Mustang Convertible. He and Gina have been married for 28 years and have two daughters.